Wednesday, October 14, 2009


First grade is full of exciting times, and this is one I could not let slip by under the radar! Kami came home from school last week telling me that they were going to be dancing to Thriller for a PTA function, and this was the best part... "Derrick is going to be Michael Jackson mom, since he's black!" She was really thrilled about that last part! It was so fun to see, I wish my camera could have done it justice... It's almost as good as the original! you have to watch Derrick, he's so cute!!
(of course most of the video is of Kami, she's really cute too!)


mptanner said...

So cute I totally loved it!

Amy said...

How have you not told me about this?! That is hilarious! [everything] :)

Morgan said...

That is funny - my kids are learning Thriller right now too! So when you come out, they can all do it together. So glad you blogged - it's about time!

Sarah said...

Wow--That was so cute! She's a great dancer.

The Hunt Family said...

That was so cute! I love how the teacher's counting is way off haha. What a cute little dance! Kami doesn't look very scary in her Alice in Wonderland Dress though haha! What a sweetie. She's always the best dancer in the group!

Missy S. said...