Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Best Kept Secret in Del Rio...

It's too bad for those of you that don't live here in Del Rio because you have to miss out on all of the excitement that our community has to offer... (Please notice the sarcasm dripping off that statement!)

But alas, we found a fabulous family fun center in the heart of Del Rio called... Wait, are you ready for it? BUMPY'S FAMILY FARM!

That's right folks, adventure, excitement and entertainment all rolled into one acre of dust, dirt and manure! Actually though, it was great fun! We went for a birthday party for JC, one of Kami and Jeff's bestest friends!

There was mini golf and water balloon battles and a petting zoo and a train ride and a pony!! That's right, one pony for 15 kids to ride on... You'll never guess how long that took!! Please join with me as we share the memories of the Bumpy's Family Farm!


Chelsea said...

Wow - I thought I'd seen it all here! What a gem!

Nicia said...

Where did Carter go? I see you, I see Richard, I see Kami, and I see Jeff...where's Carter??

Hipple Family said...

That looks like fun! Where in the world was this place? I thought I knew Del Rio inside and out. That is really cool!

Crystal said...

ooh, Del Rio DOES have mini golf.. who knew? lol, actually it does look fun, and the pictures in the tub are adorable!

The Hunt Family said...

Looks like a fun place! Maybe I'll have to fly to del rio next halloween!